A rework and extension of the hymn "Did the mountains and the trees just happen"

Did the mountains and the trees just happen?
Did they grow all on their own?
No, Father’s hands shaped the land,
With His love, His creation is shown.

Father made them all, one by one,
In His wisdom, His work is done,
Mountains high and trees so fair,
All created by Father’s care.

Did the lions and the bears just happen?
Did they roam without a plan?
No, Father’s voice called them forth,
In His world, each creature began.

Father made them all, one by one,
In His wisdom, His work is done,
Lions strong and bears so rare,
All created by Father’s care.

Every flower, every tree,
Every star, every bird, every bee,
In His hands, they find their place,
In His love, they find their grace.

Father made them all, one by one,
In His wisdom, His work is done,
Mountains high and creatures fair,
All created by Father’s care.

So let us marvel at His hand,
In His creation, His love we stand,
From the mountains to the sea,
All made by Father, for you and me.

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