"Hope Regained" is a song about the journey of Doubting Thomas, a follower of Yeshua who missed His initial visit after the resurrection and doubted that Yeshua had risen. The song progresses through four phases:

initial belief
doubt stepping in
renewed belief
and finally spreading the good news.

Lyrics by: Rhy Bezuidenhout
Music by: suno.com

TTN Social: https://social.ttn.place/RhyBez

Believed with all my heart, I followed close behind,
Yeshua's words and miracles, I never questioned, never mind,
But then the news came sudden, and I wasn't there to see,
Doubt crept in and shadowed what my faith used to be.

Believed with all my heart, every word He said was true,
Saw Him heal the broken, watched Him make the old brand new,
He spoke of life eternal, a kingdom yet to come,
With every step I followed, to the beat of Yeshua's drum.

Oh, hope regained, from belief to doubt and back again,
Oh, hope regained, feel the nail marks, see the light again,
Oh, hope regained, spreading the news to every friend,
Oh, hope regained, Yeshua's love will never end.

Believed, but then I doubted, when the others said He's here,
Missed His first appearance, left me in my fear,
How could He have risen? I needed proof to see,
Doubt clouded every promise that He'd made to me.

Oh, hope regained, from belief to doubt and back again,
Oh, hope regained, feel the nail marks, see the light again,
Oh, hope regained, spreading the news to every friend,
Oh, hope regained, Yeshua's love will never end.

Believed when He appeared, showed His hands, His side,
"Feel the nail marks, Thomas," He gently did confide,
My Lord, my God, I cried, faith restored anew,
Yeshua stood before me, every doubt He slew.

Oh, hope regained, from belief to doubt and back again,
Oh, hope regained, feel the nail marks, see the light again,
Oh, hope regained, spreading the news to every friend,
Oh, hope regained, Yeshua's love will never end.

Believed, and now I'm spreading, the news of His great love,
Telling every story, of His kingdom up above,
Hope regained, a beacon, for all the world to see,
Yeshua lives forever, and His truth has set me free.

Oh, hope regained, from belief to doubt and back again,
Oh, hope regained, feel the nail marks, see the light again,
Oh, hope regained, spreading the news to every friend,
Oh, hope regained, Yeshua's love will never end.

Believed, and now I'm spreading, the news of His great love,
Telling every story, of His kingdom up above,
Hope regained, a beacon, for all the world to see,
Yeshua lives forever, and His truth has set me free.

Oh, hope regained, from belief to doubt and back again,
Oh, hope regained, feel the nail marks, see the light again,
Oh, hope regained, spreading the news to every friend,
Oh, hope regained, Yeshua's love will never end.

Oh, hope regained, Yeshua's love will never end,
From doubt to faith, His message we defend,
Hope regained, our hearts and souls amend,
Oh, hope regained, in His love, we ascend.

Oh, hope regained, Yeshua's love will never end,
From doubt to faith, His message we defend,
Hope regained, our hearts and souls amend,
Oh, hope regained, Yeshua's love will never end.

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