"Eyes Wide Shut" is a stirring composition that delves into the concept of spiritual blindness amidst the clamor of worldly knowledge and confusion. Based on the Biblical prophecies of increasing knowledge and the warning against false teachings, the song confronts the veils of deception that obscure truth and lead hearts astray. Always question the doctrines of men and seek the unadulterated truth found in the Scriptures. The song serves as a call to awaken from spiritual slumber and embark on a journey of genuine discernment and enlightenment.

Lyrics by: Rhy Bezuidenhout
Music by: suno.com

TTN Social: https://social.ttn.place/RhyBez

In the rush of the world, minds in a haze,
Knowledge increasing in these fleeting days,
But amidst the chaos, a veil remains,
Blinding the eyes, though seeking in vain.

Eyes wide shut, hearts lost in the night,
Seeking for truth in the dimming light,
Questioning doctrines, beliefs held tight,
For the blind lead the blind in the fading sight.

Words from the Book, ancient and true,
But veiled by traditions, a distorted view,
The curse of the blind, unable to see,
Guided by men, not by the decree.

Eyes wide shut, hearts lost in the night,
Seeking for truth in the dimming light,
Questioning doctrines, beliefs held tight,
For the blind lead the blind in the fading sight.

Break the chains of deception's hold,
Unveil the truth, let it unfold,
Question, seek, and you shall find,
The light of His word, the way defined.

As knowledge abounds, confusion prevails,
But truth is elusive, lost in the trails,
We must strip away the layers of deceit,
To find the path where true wisdom meets.

Eyes wide shut, hearts lost in the night,
Seeking for truth in the dimming light,
Questioning doctrines, beliefs held tight,
For the blind lead the blind in the fading sight.

In the clamor of voices, whispers of lies,
Discernment is key, to see through disguise,
Let not our hearts be led astray,
But anchored in truth, come what may.

Eyes wide shut, hearts lost in the night,
Seeking for truth in the dimming light,
Questioning doctrines, beliefs held tight,
For the blind lead the blind in the fading sight.

Break the chains of deception's hold,
Unveil the truth, let it unfold,
Question, seek, and you shall find,
The light of His word, the way defined.

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