A rock song telling the story of Yeshua's temptation by Satan in the wilderness.

In the wilderness, a battle raged,
Satan's whispers, his darkened stage,
Yeshua stood, his heart aflame,
To reclaim the earth in the Father's name.

Three temptations, cunningly laid,
But Yeshua's resolve could not be swayed,
For man shall not live by bread alone,
But by every word the Father's known.

From the highest peak to kingdoms wide,
Satan offered power, wealth, and pride,
But Yeshua's kingdom, not of this world,
In humility, his banner unfurled.

So let us heed this timeless tale,
In Yeshua's strength, we will prevail,
For every temptation, he overcame,
And through his victory, we proclaim

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